Sunday 29 January 2012

Soil to soil!

It's a soil thing! Had another peek at the soil today and bagged some up to do a test.
The good news is that the man who I am taking it over from..Mr a very nice man and told me some of it's history. Apparently it was cultivated by a retired couple for many years for whom it eventually became too much and Mr B took it on. He admits that his progress was woeful and he only managed to plant a few trees and attempt a couple of beds which is why it looks in such a state. He also told me that he had invested time in some rabbit control, although when I saw him at the plot today he had found what looked suspiciously like a rabbit hole....OMG!!!
Rabbits.....time for some decisive action-nothing cruel mind....We will chceck all fencing, set humane traps once secure, out the blighters and cover anything tender in the meantime! 'Bout all we can do really!
Back to seedlists and listing! Tedious but worth it!

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