Sunday 29 January 2012

Soil to soil!

It's a soil thing! Had another peek at the soil today and bagged some up to do a test.
The good news is that the man who I am taking it over from..Mr a very nice man and told me some of it's history. Apparently it was cultivated by a retired couple for many years for whom it eventually became too much and Mr B took it on. He admits that his progress was woeful and he only managed to plant a few trees and attempt a couple of beds which is why it looks in such a state. He also told me that he had invested time in some rabbit control, although when I saw him at the plot today he had found what looked suspiciously like a rabbit hole....OMG!!!
Rabbits.....time for some decisive action-nothing cruel mind....We will chceck all fencing, set humane traps once secure, out the blighters and cover anything tender in the meantime! 'Bout all we can do really!
Back to seedlists and listing! Tedious but worth it!

Saturday 28 January 2012

I have bought potatoes!! Soo exciting! Spent the afternoon looking at the recommended list from the Ryton Organic Potato Day (would have loved to be there choosing  by the tuber!) and wieghed up options to order on-line or try the local garden centre. Opted to see what they had in stock locally then think about on-line orders. Do serious growers buy all the season potatoes now? If I buy my 'Earlies' (finally I understand the difference-see: for a neat little 'How to') but wait to buy the others will they still be available.....hmm more research needed!!
Off to chit now-I will be chitting Sharpes Express, a 'first early' and then a bit later in the spring I will chit Charlotte my 'second earlies! All will become clear!!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Today I had some great plot history from the exiting tennant. He had not been able to spend much time on this plot and so it had largely gone to seed (as you can see in the picture) but previously it had been cultivated by a dedicated couple who were extremely productive!
Good news for soil condition and also good news for my no-dig desires (even more pertinent this evening as my back is giving me jip!!) The exiting tennat, Mr B, had also done some double digging and incorporated some maure when he attempted to cultivate the site a year ago so our initial clearing job need not mean hours of deep digging, but an exstensive clearing ands digging up the worst then we'll smother it with maure and maushroom compost!! Lovely Jubbly-innit!!
So to the planning stage...I have enlisted my Landscape Designer partner to help me thrash out a plan of action this weekend and then family and friends are booked in to start the 'work' next weekend...I hope they are nurturing their initial enthusiasm for the job...infact I bet the only threat to our progress will be the sodding weather!!

Sunday 22 January 2012

A site for sore eyes....

So I've been wishing for this for a long time.....should I have been more careful for what I was wishing for...? 
From next weekend I will be the proud rentor of an allotment site and it looks like this...OMG!

So I dragged my poor brother down there today to look at the mountain and I have spent the rest of the day working out how the hell we are going to transform this unhealthy square of suburban wasteland-as always the answer inevitably lies in poo!!!!!

Head is buzzing with ideas will be back shortly to spill it all out!