Sunday 17 June 2012

OMG!!! Soooo much time gone since I last posted-some sad family stuff happened, then weather been really weird so visits have been sporadic....BUT...back with a vengeance today-here are some recent doings!!
Before..slightly frost scorched first early potatoes..back in May

 Then....a bit of sunshine and a good deal of rain and my first harvest appeareth!! Awesome as they say!

Our resident Slow worm..Jim... is still in da house...


Isn't he gorgeous? One of our fellow allotmenteers is a wildlife keeney and told us he is a young male and we even found some sloughed off skin that shows he is growing!

So a while back plants were backed up in the greenhouses as the climate was generally inclement, then life got in the way then while we weren't looking it all started outgrowing it's pottedness and started screaming to get in the the last week or so has been a race to weed new areas for plants to go in...

Then.... I went a bit mad and suspect I have started the beginning of a courgette jungle...but hey it'll be fun!!

Finally managed to get our sweet pea wall in although he sweet peas were in various states of stunted and weird growth we are hoping they will buck up and climb these metal bread trolley frames we found on site...

Sweet pea wall
...and finally...the tomatoes are settling in nicely to their snug little greenhouse-fed and watered today...nom nom nom

Tchuss! x

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