Monday 23 April 2012

Dragonfly Design Uk..Paul Lewis-my partner in crime!

Just thought I would tell you about my partner Paul Lewis as he has some very special skills that I am very envious of! He is one of those people whose fingers really are green! Not only that but he can see plants in ways that fit the landscape and climate whilst also creating a design that is unique for your space and how you want to be in that space. I think he does this by firstly having a passion for plants and wildlife and how they all work together ecologically and then he uses that insight to create environments that buzz with life that you can enjoy just as much as the wildlife that inhabits it!

Here is his website-lots of pictures, I especially like the Wildlife Pond at Treborth Botanic Garden, a joy to all who visit it;

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Well summer has been and gone and soo much has happened that I have gotten a bit behind! February and March were really HOT! My niece made me a mud and stone 'sculpture' for my birthday:

We've been starting to get nicely settled, chairs and everything!

I got a random piece of carpet from Freecycle, turns out it is axminster and goes very nicely with our compost bins (also acts as a place to sit and have a picnic when we are down there) 
Talking of settling in...we got the paint brushes out and get this-painted the wood that the GREENHOUSE will sit on!! So impressed with my gorgeous Paul-he's soo cool.

...and then we took a break:

There has been a greenhouse growing story that doesn't really show in my pictures as it relies on being able to show pane by pane how the glass went in. One must take into consideration that we dismantled this greenhouse from a house in Maidstone which took us about 4 hours! All lovingly wrapped in newspaper and blankets to stop the glass breaking, pictures taken so that we had reference for putting it back together.

Getting to the site was also a labour of love as not only is there no parking, our site is many rods from the gate. So it was many trips, hazard lights on at the gate whilst we dropped a few panes at a time, then carrying these huge panes one by one down the end to our was exhausting!

We weren't lucky enough to get any without any breakages BUT Paul (officially my hero) found a friendly local glazier who mixed and matched to Paul's measurements, and managed to use all the complete old bits of glass thereby reducing the need to buy too much expensive new glass.. it was all beyond bit comes later...feeding him with all the glorious veg I am going to grow!

So here's a few stages...not sure if you can spot the difference:

Funky base and frame in place-the easy bit!
Carpet down...still a pane or two missing!

But finally man in glasshouse definitely NOT throwing stones!! He he!! Paul is definitely man of the month-he rocks big time in my world! I would never have had the patience or the skill to re-build this greenhouse-love you!

My first crop to go in the ground were my first earlies!! Sharpes Express I went for and they went in when summer was still in full force.....and now they are just starting to poke through. 
Spot of chitting!

Sunny sowing!

Ooooh yeah!