Tuesday 21 February 2012

A Welsh Wonderwoman, a tool delivery, and a natural progression

I am totally out of sync and playing catch up...so do excuse-nothing new there!!

Before snow stopped play we did make some real progress....quite literally the day before it snowed

Our Welsh Wonderwoman, Dr Thomas arrived with a boot full of tools for us to caretake at our allotment and we quickly put her to work building the compost bays! We decided this was a good first job to be achieved so that when we start clearing vegetation we have somewhere to put it!!
A natural progression.....

Composting  avec la dame Cymraeg!

Paul ably assisted...first pallet up

A lonely half built compost bay...

A funky finish! Paul and Abbey in a compostable pose!

...et enfin...the ladies of the canyon..er compost! I think we are impressed!

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