Sunday 5 August 2012

Olympic harvests!!They are carrots Jim but not as we know it!!

Greetings! Soo how many courgettes have I eaten this week?!! We have had soup, rice and courgette pie, courgette and broad bean pasta, and potato and broad salad, broad bean humus....and there's much more to come!!! I'm absolutely loving my harvesting marathon whilst watching the most fabulous Olympic champions in team GB perfectly rounded my day off when Murray got a gold!!

My beautiful sweeeeeeet peeas!!!

Well my sweet peas have really gone bananas and I just keep on a pickin' 'em!!! I also have lots of lovely yarrow and wild marjoram on the wild bit of the plot coupled with some bright orange marigolds!!

Spot of still life in the kitchen!

This is is the first (and only so far...this was picked a few days ago now)  cheery cherry tom!

This was taken tonight as the light was fading, have now harvested ALL my  mega  hoard of broad beans! Now have a  freezer full!

They are carrots Jim but not as we know it!

Wild Allotment about to be strimmed

A quinoa experiment

Have found several sources of cobnuts-apparently I have to beat the squirrels to them!!