Monday 16 July 2012

So considering the distinct lack of sun...we're not faring TOOo badly......again a few weeks away from the plot due to illness then a short holiday yielded a reasonably good change and contrast:

Sweet Peas are doing ok all things considered-I had dreamt of a wall of sweet peas by now but hey ho-think we are lucky to have got these as we have heard from other growers with really disappointing weather related disasters.
Some veritable jungles forming:

The courgettes-again very late in the ground but hopping along now ate our first few this evening-see dinner pickings below:

It always amazes me that broad beans grow upwards! They look very alien! Again had some of these fresh tonight with peas, feta, mint, dill, olive oil and salt and pepper-yum!

These sunflowers should turn out to be a reddish colour and were really small and straggly a few weeks ago now they are creating their own little jungle-mind you a fellow allotment, nextdoor but one has the most amazing huge stand of what look like perrennial sunflowers that are way above my head and not a flower in sight yet...when I see him next I will be after cuttings!! Will try and get a picture for here..

Just so pretty


Pickerel weed flowering in it's temporary tub!

Newly in, sure I fed them a few weeks ago but reckon more food and some blessed sunshine would help!!